Section General Meeting

Once every fall and spring, the K-section arranges its General Meeting. It is our highest decision-making body, where all students democratically decides on the function and future of the section. Elections to the Board and all other positions in the section are issued and then appointed by the General Meeting.

The form and rules of the General Meeting is regulated in the K-sections statutes. The notice of the meeting, as well as all documents needs to bepresented at least two weeks prior, which the President is responsible for. The Election Committee is responsible for announcing all of the elections and conduct interviews with applicants to give nominations for each position to the General Meeting. Apart from the elections, the General Meeting also decides on propositions from the board, as well as eventual motions from the members of the section.

Prior to each General Meeting, the Board often offers ”Valfläsk” with Swedish fika and where you can ask any questions. To continue all amazing activities in the section it is important that you attend the General Meeting and apply to the different positions! During the General Meeting you are also often offered food and (more) fika!
The K-section
Tips and tricks


General Meeting = our highest decision-making body

Proposition = proposal from the Board

Motion = proposal from our members

Acclamation = voting by calling out ”Yes”

Voting = anonymous voting

Plead = to give a suggestion or amendment

Reconcile = to agree with another plead

Draw a line in the debate = ending the debate after the last speaker

Adjuster = person tasked to impartially adjust and approve the General Meeting protocol

Tellers = comunicates the results of each voting to the General Meeting’s Chairman

General Meeting Rules

  • At least 20 members need to be present for the General Meeting to be valid.
  • All students have exercise right for motions, handed to the Board at least 1 week prior. Template for motions can be found in the document archive.
  • If you need to leave early, notify the Board at least the day before.
  • If you feel the discussion is at a stand-still, you can plead to draw a line in the debate.
  • If you wish to speak or if you have a question, raise your hand.
  • Decisions are made through acclamation. With multiple alternatives voting is used. Descisions are made with simple majority if nothing else is stated.
  • With acclamation the Chairman asks if the General Meeting can approve the proposal. All for call out ”Yes”. It is then asked if someone is against, if that is the case you call out ”Yes” at that time


  1. You apply via the forms the Election Committee publish. After that you will be called to an interview. The Election Committee works under secrecy and do not notify the applicants whether they are nominated or not. You can also candidate on scene at the General Meeting.
  2. The Election Committee’s nomination is only a recommendation, it is the General Meeting that appoints each position.
  3. The Election Committee will ask everyone that has applied, or intend to candidate on scene to come up. You can withdraw your application at any time if you wish.
  4. Each candidate will then give a speech motivating their election. The other candidates leaves the room meanwhile. It is good to prepare this beforehand, also try to keep the speach to maximum 5 minutes. Afterwards, the General Meeting can ask you questions.
  5. When all candidates have given their speech they will leave the room and the General Meeting holds a discussion around all candidates. Each candidate will prior to the General Meeting choose one person that speaks for them specifically. Preferably under 5 minutes.
  6. The General Meeting then makes the decision. Depending on the number of candidates this is done either by acclamation or voting.
  7. Someone from the Board or Election Committee goes out to the candidates to announce who was elected.
  8. When the candidates re-enter, it is important that we do not applaude out of respect for the ones not elected!

Each General Meeting

Four members to the Election Committee

Deputy Head of the Club Committee

Deputy Business Contact




Treasurer as well as Vice President

Internationally Liable Person as well as Secretary

Chairman of the Student Council

Student Welfare Liable Person

PR- Liable Person and Webmaster

Sports Liable Person

Internal Auditor

Four members to UTN’s Union Council

Head of Recruitment

Three members to the Programme Council

Member in UTN’s Election Committee

Student Member to the Institution Board at the Department of Chemistry Ångström

Student Member to the Institution Board at the Department of Chemistry BMC

Read through all documents prior to the General Meeting so you are caught up. If you have applied for a position, please also read the post description or work order. Do not hesitate to contact the Board if you have any questions, or if you are intresested to involve yourself in the section!
The K-section
Tips and tricks