It is fall and also time for the K-section’s General Meeting! Do you want to be part of the world’s best Board or involve yourself in the section? Apply to one of the amazing Board positions or Engagement post!

The Section General Meeting will take place on Thursday the 26th of November starting at 15ak (meaning 15:15 or 3:15 pm). The application will be open from Saturday the 7th of November to Sunday the 15th of November. To sign up for attending the General Meeting click HERE. The agenda and all documents will be sent via email to everyone who signs up to attend. They can also be found HERE*. The positions that are announced for this General Meeting are:
Board positions
Treasurer as well as Vice President
Internationally Liable Person as well as Secretary
Deputy Business Contact
Deputy Head of the Club Committee
Engagement posts
Four persons to the K-sections Election Committee of which one is convening
Internal Auditor
One regular member to UTN’s Union Council and one alternate
Please take a look on our Section General Meeting-guide here on the K-section website! If you would like more information on each position and post, go to our Document archive. Please do not hesitate to contact anyone in the Board! We would love to tell you about what our respective positions entail, how fun it is to be part of the Board and can offer you tips and advice if you are thinking about getting involved in the section.

Motions are handed in to the Board via email to no later than Thursday November 19th. Motion template can be found in the documents that are also sent out via email to all who sign up to attend the General Meeting. If you have any questions, send a message to the K-section on Facebook or contact the President at
See you at the General Meeting!